"Without Umpires we do not have a game".
At the Rosellas Netball Club we are always looking for players, parents and relatives to volunteer for Umpiring.
Umpiring is a great way for players to better understand the rules and improve their own game awareness.
It is also an excellent "character builder" because as an Umpire you have to learn all the rules, take responsibility and then make quick decisions.
Umpiring is also an excellent way of earning some extra pocket money!
We are always encouraging girls and boys over the age of 12 to have a go at umpiring. Anyone wishing to become an Umpire for the Rosellas can contact the Umpires Co-ordinator, Sue Howell at rosellasnetball@gmail.com
Please see the Whitehorse Netball Association website for more information on Umpiring
Click here for the 2016 rulebook, which can be found as a pdf.